Sandra Bowden Studio
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Podcasts with Sandra Bowden

March 10, 2023

Sandra Bowden — The Biblical Artist

Dr. Dru Johnson interviews scholars, and artists. In December 2020 he interviewed Sandra Bowden for his Biblical Artist Series. The Biblical Mind is dedicated to helping its audience understand the deep structures of Scripture.

It is published by the Center for Hebraic Thought, a hub for research and resources promoting biblical literacy and the intellectual world of the Bible.

Visit the Center for Hebraic Thought for the full show notes.

By Sandra Bowden & Dr. Dru Johnson & Ned Bustard on December 11, 2020

Sandra Bowden is a mixed-media artist with pieces displayed everywhere from small rural churches to the Vatican. A self-described “visual theologian,” Sandra incorporates architecture, Scripture, Hebrew lettering, and Christian artifacts into her biblical art pieces to express the mystery of God’s relationship with his creation.
01 March 2021

Visual Arts and the Church

In this episode, Sandra Bowden discusses the relationship between the artist, visual arts and the church. Sandra is an artist and painter from New York and is the past president of Christians in the Visual Arts.

This interview was recorded at the Transforming Culture: A Vision for the Church and the Arts Symposium.

The total length of this episode is 9:29 minutes

Sandra Bowden speaking
March 10, 2023
Curated Sandra Bowden Profiles, article links
December 29, 2022
Bernini's Braccio di Carlo Magno THE SIGNS OF THE SACRED – THE IMPRINTS OF THE REAL. Twentieth-century Graphic Arts in the Contemporary Art Collection of the Vatican Museums
December 12, 2022
Sandra Bowden’s Reformation Altarpiece speaks with quiet nuance and subtle affect.
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